Beyond the statics, think about women and men 

For USA and based on OHSA the total recordable injuries rate (TRIR) in 2019 is at 2.8

And so what?

How to understand this rate and translate it into a simple and clear message for your employees? 

If you consider about 2000 working hours for one employee and about 45 years of work, the person will work about 90 000 hours during his professional carrier.

It means that with TRIR at 2.8, the probability to have an injury during his professional live is 1.3

We are talking about the average rate in USA.  This rate is vary considerably from less than 0.1 to more than 50 but it is sad because in 2019, the average probability is to have at least one accident during your professional life.

We must pay attention with the TRIR because the majority of events is fortunately minor accidents and for a company, the absolute tragedy is the fatal accident.

t’s a long way to achieve Zero Accident and it’s a question of culture and value.

Looking forward to discussing in more detail